
+ 977-01-4331827

Kirtipur-09, Kathmandu, Nepal





God is the creator of the entire Universe and we, the caretakers of this only habitable planet, the Earth, also called “The Blue planet.” Everything God made is magnificent and humans are the most beautiful among His creations. Caring for God’s creation is hard work but our mentality of ,“I do what’s best for the world,” led to the birth of  Pushpasadan School atop the picturesque hill, Kirtipur, in Kathmandu valley of Nepal, in 1984 A.D.(2040 B.S).

Children are like flowers and we (teachers), the gardeners. That’s how our school earned its name, “Pushpa” meaning flower and “Sadan” , meaning “ House” or “ Abode”. It is rightly said that a gardener is known by the flowers growing in his garden. To get the best blooms in life, we need to see to it that a good disposition and proper nutrients are correctly mixed in the soil. We, as a family, are all connected through the roots and are sharing nutrients with each other, making sure that our garden is balanced with care. It’s indeed an inner satisfaction and immense joy to see our garden full of varied colours and textures, of magical wisdom, casting its reflection into our lives through a rich harvest every year.

In other words, Pushpasadan is one body and each of its members, a vital organ. All of them take care of one another. If one part suffers, every part suffers and if one part is honoured, every part shares in its joy. Every part has its specific role to play in the smooth functioning of the system, to bring about a holistic development of the body as a whole.

In other to fulfill our objectives and norms as stated above, we have set some values for continual practice in our daily lives. They are:

1)      Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for own actions, admit when we fail our own standards, and always strive to be our best selves. The school believes in the motto, “Do the Best, Be the Best”. As such, all the students are encouraged to try doing their best in every good work they can, to be the best human beings.

2)      Appreciation: We show appreciation for one another whenever possible. We appreciate our parents and teachers for everything they do for us and appreciate the kindness of our friends. Pushpasadan always believes in equality in a sense that we hold the same honour for one and all. It believes that all the members, irrespective of their posts and designations, are equally important. Hence, all the PBSS members are given equal treatment at school.

3)      Respect and Compassion:  Based on the principles of love, faith and hope, we are determined to understand the value of difference and to honour it. Pushpasadan gives emphasis on the healthy bonding of all the students. Being the members of the same family, all the students are supposed to respect each other’s feeling, maintaining brotherhood and sisterhood among them.

4)      Sharing is gearing: Before the new academic session begins, we design strategic plans and circulate them among all the members for their execution.  We share our resources with one another in order to pave our path towards success. We encourage new initiatives and provide opportunities to make decisions. All suggestions are taken seriously.

5)      Forgive and forget: We, as a family, nurture a culture rooted in forgiveness and honesty. The students discover deeper levels of the meaning of life, realistically rejuvenating themselves in the pursuit of a balanced life.

6)      Community-minded: Our school is the central hub of learning for the community. Students involving themselves in community service are more likely to grow up and become better citizens over all. So, PBSS encourages the students to be involved in community service in the best way they can.

7)      Cooperation:  We, as a family, work together to create a healthy environment at school, to show everyone a way to achieve greater success in life. Students are given proper guidance to be a good son/daughter in his/her family and a responsible citizen of his/her society and the nation as a whole.

8)      Courage and Integrity: We accept responsibility and act ethically. We stand up for what we believe. We value the pursuit of excellence. Just as we love our home and family members and think about their welfare, a student at PBSS is expected to have the feeling of love and responsibility towards the school. Being a responsible member, it falls on their duty to report any ill thought and action against the school’s reputation, to the concerned authority without delay so that the problem could be resolved in an ethical manner.

9)      Service and contribution: We aspire to a good life fulfilled by meaning, purpose, kindness and achievement. We give back to those who have given to us, to our community and to the world in which we live. Based on its service to the community, the government has recognized PBSS as an “A” grade school. However, the school has been committed to give the best possible on minimal school fees.

10)   Critical thinking: We encourage our students to think critically about the day-to-day problems as well as the global issues. We teach our students to practise being analytical to any issue they may encounter so that they can go into the world with solutions that the present world is seeking for.

11)   Embracing a change: We believe not only in ‘going’ but also in ‘growing’. We take change as a positive opportunity for creating a better self, school and society. With this mindset, we help each other evolve by adapting to the changes in our environment. In this regard, the teachers keep upgrading themselves to meet the ever growing challenges in this techno-friendly world. The school aims at making its own contributions towards a radical transformation of the present-day social conditions.

12)   Leadership: We consistently put forward to create transformative leaders of tomorrow with a visionary keen on taking the country forward in all aspects, with a sincere commitment to work with a goal orientation.

13)   Multiculturalism: We, as a family, appreciate varied cultures and welcome students from all backgrounds, crossing cultural and religious barriers and understanding issues concerning gender, human rights, communalism and ecology.

14)   Thankfulness: We believe in putting into practice whatever we learn. Practice makes our learning more memorable and relevant in life. We remember to be thankful to all our members with whom we are connected in the school and the community. We remember to express our thanks to one another in our daily interactions.

15)   Commitment: Traditional and bookish system of education can hinder the natural development of a child. PBSS is committed to a cause, a target to mould our students in the best way we can, with a sincere endeavor to meet the demands of the modern system of education. We uphold our commitment despite the challenging circumstances and go in for optimum commitment to keep us in track with our goals.  EDUCATION CREATES PRODIGIOUS MIRACLES EVERYDAY